Kable_styling(latex_options='striped',full_width = T)Īt this point, all you need to know is this code creates the report below. What I mean by “tidy data” is that each column represents a variable, and each row except the first row represents a student record, and the first row includes all the column names.īelow is the short code which converts a tidy csv file into a pdf report. The Tidy DataĪs you see below I work with tidy data to create my first report. If you are interested in installing R and RStudio, I will encourage you to check out YouTube and other sources on the Internet. In this first newsletter, I will share a simple code to read a csv file with fictional student grades and create a two-page PDF report (the first page being the title page) using RMarkdown in RStudio.
But, for some reason, if you have heard R before and wonder in simple terms how it is used for simple tasks, this newsletter may be of your interest. In fact, I am not even recommending you to use any particular tool at this point. Unlike many other resources in which everything starts with installing R, RStudio, R packages, file and project structure, etc., I will not bore you with any details initially. Welcome to my newsletter, in which I will be sharing my learning notes.